Wideformat copying / printing

High quality digital monochrome wide format machines Xerox 510, Xerox 6279 , Kip and Rowe, offering quality and print speed. Suitable for any kind of drawings, posters and billboards.

Black and white wideformat copying / printing

Black and white Wideformat copying/printing
Paper 80g.3,20 lv./sq.m.
Natural Tracing Paper5,50 lv./sq.m.
Over 90 sm to 152 smScaning+Black and White Ploting of the roll width

Colour wideformat copying

Colour Wideformat copying
Roll 29,7 sm. -paper 80g.2,60 lv./m.
Roll 42 sm. -paper 80g.3,50 lv./m.
Roll 62 sm. -paper 80g.4,90 lv./m.
Roll 90 sm. -paper 80g.7,00 lv./m.
Roll 105 sm. -paper 80g.8,20 lv./m.
Roll 152 sm. -paper 80g.12,80 lv./m.

* All prices are inclusive of VAT.

*Prices for Wideformat color copyin do not include solid colour fills. If it exists, it is estimated 25 lv./sq.m.

In case of damaged originals we reserve the right to refuse the service or to increase its price. We do not take responsibility for additional damage to the originals.

* We reserve the right to request an advance payment for larger volumes in order to start creating the order.